Impressions from the EXPANDEO conference






CinSOIL CTO and Co-Founder Antonella Succurro spoke at EXPANDEO 2024, the annual conference of the European Association of Remote Sensing Companies (EARSC), on June 12th. Antonella was asked to present on the value that the new Carbon Removal Certification Framework (CRCF) is creating for SMEs because of her expertise in developing technical solutions using Earth Observation (EO) data at CinSOIL, and CinSOIL’s mission to support regenerative agriculture and carbon farming.

The panel explored the challenges and opportunities in developing robust methodologies for monitoring and reporting carbon removals as defined in the CRCF, a pioneering policy scheme that will support the European transition to a more sustainable agriculture. In particular, the panel focused on the central role EO already has, and will increasingly have, in ensuring cost-efficiency and trust in the certification system.

In the panel “Commercial opportunities from policy implementation: the CRCF” Antonella took the stage together with Christian Holzleitner (Head of Unit for Land Economy and Carbon Removals, European Commission DG CLIMA) and David Gazdag (Regional Representative for Europe, Verra). The session was moderated by Mathieu Mal (Policy Officer for Agriculture and Climate, European Environmental Bureau).

Antonella discussing in the panel “Commercial opportunities from policy implementation: the CRCF”. From left to right: Mathieu Mal, Christian Holzleitner, Antonella Succurro, David Gazdag.

The carbon removals certification framework is a very much needed action for climate and it’s opening up a lot of opportunities in general that are going to support the decarbonization of the supply chain and the implementation of regenerative agricultural practices.

Antonella Succurro, EXPANDEO 2024

It was a honor for CinSOIL to take the stage in Brussels and represent EO users in such a prestigious event, bringing together all the major stakeholders of the EO and remote sensing sector. At CinSOIL we are committed to develop the best technology, combining complex data into actionable insights to support the regenerative agriculture transition. This is why we are engaged with expert groups developing and testing standards for the whole sector and are keen to contribute in the constructive dialogue among stakeholders.

Interested in the EXPANDEO discussion? You can read the EARSC press release here and watch the whole panel here.

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